What are diamond colors? #LearnWithCaravia

Diamonds are renowned to bring joy and happiness into people’s lives. Despite this, the most coveted colour of this valuable stone is no-color! Yes, you read that correctly. This may seem strange for something as brilliant and beautiful as diamonds, yet it is precisely this quality that adds to the sparkle and lustre of diamonds. Let’s look at the beautiful universe of the most magnificent stone on the planet and why its colourless form is so popular. Today with #LearnWithCaravia, we will teach you all you need to know about diamond colour, including what it is, how it affects the value of the stone, different colour grades, and buying suggestions.

Colour vs. No-Color: What Does Diamond Colour Mean?
Most people associate the word “colour” with vivid hues. Diamonds, on the other hand, are not like that. Unless we’re talking about fancy colour diamonds, the term “colour” actually refers to the absence of it in diamond and solitaire jargon. If you study a structurally perfect and chemically pure diamond, you will notice that it has no colours at all, similar to a drop of transparent water. In fact, gem-sized perfect natural diamonds are nearly unheard of because they are made of 100% pure carbon with no imperfections. Finding such a thing of perfect beauty will be a rare occurrence in the actual world.

Almost all diamonds contain some amount of colour impurity in their composition. The hue of a stone is affected by impurities and/or structural faults in its crystal lattice. The value of a diamond can substantially increase or decrease depending on the strength and colour of its colour. A diamond with a yellow tint, for example, is frequently thought to be less precious than a white diamond. Fancy coloured diamonds are a completely different story. Diamonds with vivid blue or pink tones can be quite valuable. The fabled Hope Diamond is an example of a beautiful stone with a deep blue hue. Red stones are among the most rare diamonds found on the planet. It should be noted that the hue distinctions in the stone are often so faint that they are difficult to discern. However, it is these distinctions that determine the price and quality of your diamond. 

How Does the Colour of a Diamond Affect Its Value?

Colour is one of the four Cs that influence the appearance and value of a diamond. When light strikes the facets of a diamond, some of the rays are scattered into a rainbow of colours. They then reflect off the internal facets of the stone and ricochet back to our eyes as flashes of colour. This is referred to as diamond fire. When a diamond crystal contains visible colour, its capacity to reflect light reduces when compared to a colourless diamond. As a result, both fire and glitter diminish. As a result, the diamond’s value decreases. That is why colourless diamonds are preferred.

So, the next time you go shopping for diamond rings or diamond bracelets, keep this in mind.

A Quick Guide to Diamond Colour Grading
Although colourless diamonds are the most popular, diamonds exist in nature in nearly every shade of the rainbow, and such fancy coloured diamonds are valued and graded differently. As a result, diamonds have two grading systems: one for the regular range and one for the fancy colour range.

The absence of hues is referred to in diamond colour grading. The lower the colour, the greater the colour grade. The beautiful coloured diamonds are an exception to this rule. Such diamonds are available in a variety of colours, including pink, green, blue, and yellow, and the colour grading improves as the colour in the stones becomes stronger. In the case of white diamonds, the colour grade is on scale from D to Z.

Colourless Diamonds (D, E, F): D is the highest colour grade for a diamond. Stones belonging to this colour grade are almost colourless and icy white. E and F colour graded diamonds have very slight traces of colour in them that remain undetected unless examined by a gemologist. This group of diamonds is rarest and the most expensive one. Such diamonds are best mounted on white gold or platinum. Yellow gold or other coloured settings are generally avoided as they may take away from the luminous beauty of this category of diamonds.

Nearly Colourless (G, H, I, J): This colour grade displays nearly no colour. The diamonds in this category appear colourless to the naked eye. If you are looking for a diamond to mount in platinum or white gold, go for G or H colour graded stones. For yellow gold mounts, you can opt for I or J graded diamonds. The diamonds of this group are less expensive than the D-F group and are often used as the central stones in rings.

Faint Colour (K, L, M): Diamonds in this colour grade possess a slight tint of yellow that can be seen even with the naked eye. Due to this, diamonds of this group are not as desirable as the two previous groups. They are also not as rare or as expensive as the other two groups mentioned above. Diamonds belonging to this group can be set in yellow gold mounts for an appealing look.

Very Light Colour (N, O, P, Q, R): This group of diamonds has visible colour. Often the colour is a tint of yellow or brown. There is very little demand for such diamonds and they are available at a much low price range. Most reputed jewellers avoid dealing in this category of diamonds for making ornaments.

Light Colour (S-Z): The diamonds belonging to this colour grade exhibit easily noticeable yellow or brown tint. As they are placed at the low end of the colour grade, they are among the least expensive diamonds. Such diamonds are usually not considered for making ornaments.



When purchasing a diamond, colour is an important consideration. Here are a few pointers to help you make an informed decision when purchasing this beautiful stone.

If you want diamonds with a lot of fire and glitter, go for stones in the D-F group.

Also, be certain that the stone you choose is well-cut. Most people believe that all colourless diamonds are brilliant. However, the cut of a diamond ultimately determines its brilliance. As a result, a combination of cut and high colour grade is required.

Always seek for certifications to guarantee that you pay the correct amount for the diamond. A certificate from a reputable laboratory guarantees that the diamond has been checked and evaluated. When buying from Caravia, we ship all our jewellery from reputed laboratory, so you can be assured when you purchase your diamond jewelleries from us!

You will also receive documentation outlining the characteristics of your diamond. So, why take any chances?


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